'/> Knowledge Is Power: Foods High In Sodium (Salt)

Monday, May 15, 2017

Foods High In Sodium (Salt)

Sneaky Sodium Bombs
Americans love sodium chloride, also known as common table salt — and they consume far too much. Unfortunately for savory-food fans, a diet high in sodium can wreak havoc on your health. According to the Harvard School of Public Health excess sodium increases your blood volume and with it, the strain on your heart and blood vessels. So how much sodium can you safely eat each day? The latest dietary guidelines recommend keeping sodium levels below 2,300 milligrams, or just 1 teaspoon, per day. And the American Heart Association (AHA) has an even lower threshold, encouraging people to keep their intake below 1,500 mg.While most people already know it's best to steer clear of high-salt foods like movie-theater popcorn and French fries, you also need to be on the lookout for less obvious foods that are loaded with sodium. From canned veggies to bread, here are more salt mines to beware of.

1.  Deli Meats
"Most people know better than to shake table salt all over their food, but there are plenty of hidden sources of sodium in our diets," says Lanah J. Brennan, RD. "Sliced deli meats and hot dogs are packed with sodium." One hot dog can contain up to 700 mg of sodium, while just one slice of regular deli ham can have over 300 mg. "Choose fresh meats or fish instead, and try making an extra serving at dinner and using the rest to make your lunch the next day," she advises.

2.  Breakfast Cereals
The average American consumes more than 3,000 mg of sodium per day, but your body only needs about 500 mg, or less than one-quarter teaspoon. Cereals and other processed foods account for a large majorityof our sodium intake. One cup of cornflakes can have more than 200 mg of sodium per serving, which can add up quickly if you aren't measuring portion sizes. And other processed breakfast foods are even worse: "Biscuit and pancake mixes can have up to 800 mg of sodium per serving,” says Brennan. “Instead, try making your own mixes from scratch using low-sodium baking powder and baking soda."

3. Vegetable Juice
Even a healthy-sounding option like vegetable juice can be high in salt. That's why it is important to read labels closely. Sodium content is listed per serving size; to be considered a low-sodium serving, it should read 140 mg or less. Even a can of tomato juice can be a mini-sodium bomb at up to 700 mg per 8-ounce serving. Your best bet is to squeeze your own fresh vegetable juice — a small tomato has only 11 mg of sodium.

4. Canned Soups and Vegetables
Anything in a can could be a sodium bomb. "Check all those can labels and choose products with less sodium per serving," warns Brennan. Some canned soups may contain up to 1,300 mg of sodium. On the other hand, you can make your own soup using low-sodium broth and fresh ingredients. To lower sodium intake, buy your vegetables fresh instead of from a can, and be sure to rinse all canned veggies to remove excess sodium before eating. A half-cup of freshly cooked carrots has only 45 mg of sodium and a cup of green beans has just 1 mg.

5. Canned Soups and Vegetables
Anything in a can could be a sodium bomb. "Check all those can labels and choose products with less sodium per serving," warns Brennan. Some canned soups may contain up to 1,300 mg of sodium. On the other hand, you can make your own soup using low-sodium broth and fresh ingredients. To lower sodium intake, buy your vegetables fresh instead of from a can, and be sure to rinse all canned veggies to remove excess sodium before eating. A half-cup of freshly cooked carrots has only 45 mg of sodium and a cup of green beans has just 1 mg.

6. Flavor Packets and Condiments
Instead of using the salty flavor packets that come in boxes of macaroni and rice dishes, make your own flavorings with fresh ingredients. By using fresh herbs and spices you can infuse plenty of flavor into your dishes without any additional sodium. Consider seasoning with lemon juice, ground pepper, cumin, garlic, onion powder, and fresh herbs.

7. Frozen Meals
The frozen foods section of your grocery store can be another hiding place for salt. Frozen meals like pizza or meatloaf dinners might contain up to 1,800 mg of sodium — enough to put you over the AHA's daily limit in just one meal. Excess salt causes your body to retain fluid, which will not only leaving you feeling bloated, but can also lead to high blood pressure. Look for low-sodium options or, better yet, cook your own meals from scratch.

8. Spaghetti Sauce
Spaghetti may make a frequent appearance in your dinner rotation, but you might want to rethink how you prepare the dish if you are worried about your sodium intake. One cup of spaghetti sauce can have a sodium content of 1,000 mg. If you're a fan of meat sauce you then have to factor in additional sodium for sausage or meatballs. As an alternative, a low-sodium pasta sauce with no salt added can be as low as 100 mg of sodium per cup, or make your own spaghetti sauce from ripe plum tomatoes and fresh basil and garlic. You can also toss spaghetti with fresh veggies and olive oil for a healthy, no-sauce dish.

9. Bread and Tortillas
When it comes to breads, rolls, and tortillas, once again, you need to read the labels carefully. Don't assume that all grains are the same. One 6-inch flour tortilla can contain more than 200 mg of sodium, and that number jumps to over 500 mg for a 10-inch tortilla. Instead, choose plain corn tortillas, which contain just 11 mg of sodium for each 6-inch round. And if you're grilling this summer, a hamburger bun can add an additional 250 mg of sodium to your meal. Instead, try swapping in a lettuce wrap or Portobello mushroom bun for added nutrients and flavor, without any extra sodium.

10.  Dairy Products
Dairy is a good source of calcium and vitamin D, but some products may not be a smart choice when it comes to managing high blood pressure. Some dairy foods like cottage cheese, buttermilk, and processed cheeses can be high in salt. "Cheeses, especially processed cheese like American cheese, can contain up to 400 mg of sodium per ounce," says Brennan. For a lower-sodium option, choose a fresh mozzarella at 175 mg of sodium per ounce or Swiss cheese at less than 60 mg per ounce.

11. Salty Seafood
Seafood is a great addition to a heart-healthy diet — prepared in a healthy way, seafood can help lower cholesterol, which in turn helps lower blood pressure. But you need to choose your seafood wisely, as options like shellfish and canned tuna fish are high in salt. Three ounces of canned tuna has 300 mg of sodium, and four large shrimp have 200 mg. Better seafood choices include fresh tuna, salmon, halibut, and haddock.Before putting any food in your grocery cart, follow this simple rule of thumb: "The bottom line on hidden food sources of sodium is to check your labels and choose products with less than 140 mg per serving," says Brennan.


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