'/> Knowledge Is Power: 2017

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Social Security

12 Facts About Social Security You Didn't Know

By: Matthew Frankel

Social Security is the major source of income for many elderly Americans, as well as for millions of dependents, disabled workers, and survivors. Despite the enormity of the program, there is a lot about Social Security that isn't well understood by many Americans, especially by those who aren't yet collecting benefits. With that in mind, here are 12 facts about the Social Security program that all American workers and retirees should be aware of.

1. Social Security is more than just retirement benefits

When many Americans think of Social Security, they only think of the retirement benefits that are paid to most senior citizens. However, there's a lot more to Social Security, and retirement benefits account for less than three-fourths of benefits paid. In addition to retirement benefits, Social Security also pays disability benefits, benefits to dependents of retired or disabled workers, and benefits to survivors of deceased workers.
Social Security card in a pile of money.
Image source: Getty Images.

2. Nearly $1 trillion in Social Security benefits will be paid out in 2017

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), nearly 62 million Americans will receive Social Security benefits in 2017, totaling $955 billion. Forty-two million of those Americans will be retired workers, and their average monthly benefit is $1,369.

3. You only pay half of your Social Security tax

You might be surprised to learn that the Social Security payroll tax rate is a seemingly high 12.4% on the first $127,200 of wage income. However, employees only pay half of this amount. The Social Security payroll tax that comes out of your paycheck only represents a 6.2% tax rate.

4. Social Security isn't broke -- not even close

Don't believe headlines that tell you that Social Security is broke, insolvent, or "was raided by the government." None of these is true. In fact, Social Security ended 2016 with $2.85 trillion in reserves and ran a surplus for the year. What's more, the reserves are expected to keep growing for the next few years. It's true that the program is expected to start running a deficit in 2022 and to run out of reserves in 2034. The point, however, is that the situation isn't nearly as dire as many would have you believe.

5. Billionaires receive Social Security benefits, too

Social Security is currently not means-tested, which means that Americans who have paid into the system enough to qualify for benefits can get them regardless of whether they need them or not. Even billionaires can receive Social Security retirement benefits.

6. Social Security is designed to replace 40% of the average American worker's income

Social Security benefits are intended to replace 40% of the average worker's preretirement income. This percentage is generally higher for lower-income workers, and is lower for higher-income workers. Experts generally suggest that you'll need about 80% of your preretirement income to maintain your standard of living after retirement, so this means that roughly half of the average American's retirement income will need to come from other sources.

7. Most seniors rely on Social Security for more than half of their income

Despite the 40% intention, more than six-in-ten Social Security beneficiaries rely on their benefits for more than half of their income. One-third of beneficiaries rely on Social Security for substantially all of their income. This means that many Americans don't have enough in savings to produce enough income to sustain their lifestyles after retiring.

8. Social Security is weighted in favor of lower-income workers

When computing your Social Security benefit, your 35 highest-earning years (up to each year's taxable maximum) are adjusted for inflation and averaged together. What many people don't realize is that this average is then applied to a formula that disproportionally benefits low-income workers. As of 2017, the Social Security formula is:
  • 90% of the first $885 in average monthly earnings
  • 32% of the amount between $885 and $5,336
  • 15% of the amount above $5,336

9. Social Security is paid after it's due

Social Security benefits are paid in the month after they are due. In other words, your July Social Security benefit will be paid in August. This can be important when deciding when you want to start your Social Security benefits. In other words, if you want to receive your first benefit check in December 2017, you should tell the SSA to start your benefits in November.

10. If you didn't work but your spouse did, you can still qualify for benefits

There's a Social Security provision known as spousal benefits, which is intended to provide retirement income to spouses who either didn't work or earned much less than their spouse. Simply put, spousal benefits can give individuals who qualify a retirement benefit of as much as one-half of the higher-earning spouse's, even if their own record doesn't justify such a benefit.

11. If you change your mind after you apply, you may be able to get a do-over

If you claim Social Security but later decide that you started benefits too early, there may be a way to get a do-over. First, if you applied within the past year, you can simply cancel your application, repay any benefits you've received, and it will be like you never applied at all. Or if you're past full retirement age, you have the ability to suspend your benefits and allow your future monthly checks to grow.

12. You may have to pay taxes on your benefits

Depending on how much other retirement income you have, up to 85% of your Social Security benefits can be considered taxable income. You can read about the formula the IRS uses elsewhere, but the general idea is that if Social Security is your only source of retirement income, you probably won't be taxed on your benefits. However, if you have significant income from a pension, 401(k), or other sources, you could end up paying federal tax on your Social Security. In addition, 13 states tax Social Security benefits in addition to any federal tax you may have to pay.

The more you know, the better equipped you'll be to make smart decisions

The bottom line is that since you're most likely going to rely on Social Security for a significant portion of your income in retirement, it's a good idea to know the basics of how the program works. This will not only let you know what to expect, but can help you make smart financial decisions for you and your family when it comes to your Social Security planning.
The $16,122 Social Security bonus most retirees completely overlook If you're like most Americans, you're a few years (or more) behind on your retirement savings. But a handful of little-known "Social Security secrets" could help ensure a boost in your retirement income. For example: one easy trick could pay you as much as $16,122 more... each year! Once you learn how to maximize your Social Security benefits, we think you could retire confidently with the peace of mind we're all after.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Refreshing Towels

After a while, towels start to have a build up of softeners & laundry soap. This causes them to no longer absorb like they did when you first purchased them. Yo...u may even start noticing an odor that is not so pleasant after a while, too.
How can you refresh them once this happens? Simple solution to follow....
Run them through a wash cycle with only hot water & 1 cup of white vinegar. Do not add soaps!
Then run them through again. This time using hot water and 1/2 cup baking soda. Again, do not use soaps!
This process will strip the residue that has built up and cause them to be fresh and practically new again. You will notice they absorb better as well.
Repeat this procedure as needed
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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Meatless Diet

Posted on in Wellness

7 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat

People go plant-based for lots of reasons. These include losing weight, feeling more energetic, reducing the risk of heart disease, decreasing the number of pills they take … there are dozens of great reasons! For even more inspiration, check out these other benefits you can expect when you go plant-based.

1. You’ll reduce inflammation in your body.

If you are eating meat, cheese, and highly processed foods, chances are you have elevated levels of inflammation in your body. While short-term inflammation (such as after an injury) is normal and necessary, inflammation that lasts for months or years is not. Chronic inflammation has been linked to the development of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases, among other conditions.
In contrast, plant-based diets are naturally anti-inflammatory, because they are high in fiber, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients, and much lower in inflammatory triggers like saturated fat and endotoxins (toxins released from bacteria commonly found in animal foods). Studies have shown that people who adopt plant-based diets can dramatically lower their level of C-reactive protein (CRP), an indicator of inflammation in the body.

2. Your blood cholesterol levels will plummet.

Elevated blood cholesterol is a key risk factor for heart disease and strokes, two of the leading killers in the United States. Saturated fat—primarily found in meat, poultry, cheese, and other animal products—is a major driver of our blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol in our food also plays a role.
Studies consistently show that when people go plant based, their blood cholesterol levels drop by up to 35% . In many cases, the decrease is equal to that seen with drug therapy—with many positive side effects! People who require cholesterol-lowering drugs can further slash their cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk by adopting a plant-based diet.
Whole-food, plant-based diets reduce blood cholesterol because they tend to be very low in saturated fat and they contain zero cholesterol. Moreover, plant-based diets are high in fiber, which further reduces blood cholesterol levels. Soy has also been shown to play a role in lowering cholesterol, for those who choose to include it.

3. You’ll give your microbiome a makeover.

The trillions of microorganisms living in our bodies are collectively called the microbiome. Increasingly, these microorganisms are recognized as crucial to our overall health: not only do they help us digest our food, but they produce critical nutrients, train our immune systems, turn genes on and off, keep our gut tissue healthy, and help protect us from cancer. Studies have also shown they play a role in obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, autoimmune disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and liver disease.
Plant foods help shape a healthy intestinal microbiome. The fiber in plant foods promotes the growth of “friendly” bacteria in our guts. On the other hand, fiber-poor diets (such as those that are high in dairy, eggs, and meat) can foster the growth of disease-promoting bacteria. Landmark studies have shown that when omnivores eat choline or carnitine (found in meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and dairy), gut bacteria make a substance that is converted by our liver to a toxic product called TMAO. TMAO leads to worsening cholesterol plaques in our blood vessels and escalates the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Interestingly, people eating plant-based diets make little or no TMAO after a meat-containing meal, because they have a totally different gut microbiome. It takes only a few days for our gut bacterial patterns to change – the benefits of a plant-based diet start quickly!

4. You’ll change how your genes work.

Scientists have made the remarkable discovery that environmental and lifestyle factors can turn genes on and off. For example, the antioxidants and other nutrients we eat in whole plant foods can change gene expression to optimize how our cells repair damaged DNA. Research has also shown that lifestyle changes, including a plant-based diet, can decrease the expression of cancer genes in men with low-risk prostate cancer. We’ve even seen that a plant-based diet, along with other lifestyle changes, can lengthen our telomeres—the caps at the end of our chromosomes that help keep our DNA stable. This might mean that our cells and tissues age more slowly, since shortened telomeres are associated with aging and earlier death.

5. You’ll dramatically reduce your chances of getting type 2 diabetes.

An estimated 38% of Americans have prediabetes—a precursor to type 2 diabetes. Animal protein, especially red and processed meat, has been shown in study after study to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. In the Adventist population, omnivores have double the rate of diabetes compared with vegans, even accounting for differences in body weight. In fact, in this population, eating meat once a week or more over a 17-year period increased the risk of diabetes by 74%! Similarly, in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study and Nurses Health Study, increasing red meat intake by more than just half a serving per day was associated with a 48% increased risk in diabetes over 4 years.
Why would meat cause type 2 diabetes? Several reasons: animal fat, animal-based (heme) iron, and nitrate preservatives in meat have been found to damage pancreatic cells, worsen inflammation, cause weight gain, and impair the way our insulin functions.
You will dramatically lessen your chances of getting type 2 diabetes by leaving animal products off of your plate and eating a diet based in whole plant foods. This is especially true if you eat whole grains, which are highly protective against type 2 diabetes. You read that right: carbs actually protect you from diabetes! Also, a plant-based diet can improve or even reverse your diabetes if you’ve already been diagnosed.

6. You’ll get the right amount—and the right type—of protein.

The average omnivore in the US gets more than 1.5 times the optimal amount of protein, most of it from animal sources.
Contrary to popular perception, this excess protein does not make us stronger or leaner. Excess protein is stored as fat or turned into waste, and animal protein is a major cause of weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, and cancer.
On the other hand, the protein found in whole plant foods protects us from many chronic diseases. There is no need to track protein intake or use protein supplements with plant-based diets; if you are meeting your daily calorie needs, you will get plenty of protein. The longest-lived people on Earth, those living in the “Blue Zones,” get about 10% of their calories from protein, compared with the US average of 15-20%.

7. You’ll make a huge impact on the health of our planet and its inhabitants.

Animal agriculture is extremely destructive to the planet. It is the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and is a leading cause of land and water use, deforestation, wildlife destruction, and species extinction. About 2,000 gallons of water are needed to produce just one pound of beef in the U.S. Our oceans are rapidly becoming depleted of fish; by some estimates, oceans may be fishless by 2048. The current food system, based on meat and dairy production, also contributes to world hunger—the majority of crops grown worldwide go toward feeding livestock, not feeding people.
Equally important, animals raised for food are sentient beings who suffer, whether raised in industrial factory farms or in farms labeled “humane.” Eating a plant-based diet helps us lead a more compassionate life. After all, being healthy is not just about the food we eat; it’s also about our consciousness—our awareness of how our choices affect the planet and all of those with whom we share it.


Monday, May 15, 2017

Foods High In Sodium (Salt)

Sneaky Sodium Bombs
Americans love sodium chloride, also known as common table salt — and they consume far too much. Unfortunately for savory-food fans, a diet high in sodium can wreak havoc on your health. According to the Harvard School of Public Health excess sodium increases your blood volume and with it, the strain on your heart and blood vessels. So how much sodium can you safely eat each day? The latest dietary guidelines recommend keeping sodium levels below 2,300 milligrams, or just 1 teaspoon, per day. And the American Heart Association (AHA) has an even lower threshold, encouraging people to keep their intake below 1,500 mg.While most people already know it's best to steer clear of high-salt foods like movie-theater popcorn and French fries, you also need to be on the lookout for less obvious foods that are loaded with sodium. From canned veggies to bread, here are more salt mines to beware of.

1.  Deli Meats
"Most people know better than to shake table salt all over their food, but there are plenty of hidden sources of sodium in our diets," says Lanah J. Brennan, RD. "Sliced deli meats and hot dogs are packed with sodium." One hot dog can contain up to 700 mg of sodium, while just one slice of regular deli ham can have over 300 mg. "Choose fresh meats or fish instead, and try making an extra serving at dinner and using the rest to make your lunch the next day," she advises.

2.  Breakfast Cereals
The average American consumes more than 3,000 mg of sodium per day, but your body only needs about 500 mg, or less than one-quarter teaspoon. Cereals and other processed foods account for a large majorityof our sodium intake. One cup of cornflakes can have more than 200 mg of sodium per serving, which can add up quickly if you aren't measuring portion sizes. And other processed breakfast foods are even worse: "Biscuit and pancake mixes can have up to 800 mg of sodium per serving,” says Brennan. “Instead, try making your own mixes from scratch using low-sodium baking powder and baking soda."

3. Vegetable Juice
Even a healthy-sounding option like vegetable juice can be high in salt. That's why it is important to read labels closely. Sodium content is listed per serving size; to be considered a low-sodium serving, it should read 140 mg or less. Even a can of tomato juice can be a mini-sodium bomb at up to 700 mg per 8-ounce serving. Your best bet is to squeeze your own fresh vegetable juice — a small tomato has only 11 mg of sodium.

4. Canned Soups and Vegetables
Anything in a can could be a sodium bomb. "Check all those can labels and choose products with less sodium per serving," warns Brennan. Some canned soups may contain up to 1,300 mg of sodium. On the other hand, you can make your own soup using low-sodium broth and fresh ingredients. To lower sodium intake, buy your vegetables fresh instead of from a can, and be sure to rinse all canned veggies to remove excess sodium before eating. A half-cup of freshly cooked carrots has only 45 mg of sodium and a cup of green beans has just 1 mg.

5. Canned Soups and Vegetables
Anything in a can could be a sodium bomb. "Check all those can labels and choose products with less sodium per serving," warns Brennan. Some canned soups may contain up to 1,300 mg of sodium. On the other hand, you can make your own soup using low-sodium broth and fresh ingredients. To lower sodium intake, buy your vegetables fresh instead of from a can, and be sure to rinse all canned veggies to remove excess sodium before eating. A half-cup of freshly cooked carrots has only 45 mg of sodium and a cup of green beans has just 1 mg.

6. Flavor Packets and Condiments
Instead of using the salty flavor packets that come in boxes of macaroni and rice dishes, make your own flavorings with fresh ingredients. By using fresh herbs and spices you can infuse plenty of flavor into your dishes without any additional sodium. Consider seasoning with lemon juice, ground pepper, cumin, garlic, onion powder, and fresh herbs.

7. Frozen Meals
The frozen foods section of your grocery store can be another hiding place for salt. Frozen meals like pizza or meatloaf dinners might contain up to 1,800 mg of sodium — enough to put you over the AHA's daily limit in just one meal. Excess salt causes your body to retain fluid, which will not only leaving you feeling bloated, but can also lead to high blood pressure. Look for low-sodium options or, better yet, cook your own meals from scratch.

8. Spaghetti Sauce
Spaghetti may make a frequent appearance in your dinner rotation, but you might want to rethink how you prepare the dish if you are worried about your sodium intake. One cup of spaghetti sauce can have a sodium content of 1,000 mg. If you're a fan of meat sauce you then have to factor in additional sodium for sausage or meatballs. As an alternative, a low-sodium pasta sauce with no salt added can be as low as 100 mg of sodium per cup, or make your own spaghetti sauce from ripe plum tomatoes and fresh basil and garlic. You can also toss spaghetti with fresh veggies and olive oil for a healthy, no-sauce dish.

9. Bread and Tortillas
When it comes to breads, rolls, and tortillas, once again, you need to read the labels carefully. Don't assume that all grains are the same. One 6-inch flour tortilla can contain more than 200 mg of sodium, and that number jumps to over 500 mg for a 10-inch tortilla. Instead, choose plain corn tortillas, which contain just 11 mg of sodium for each 6-inch round. And if you're grilling this summer, a hamburger bun can add an additional 250 mg of sodium to your meal. Instead, try swapping in a lettuce wrap or Portobello mushroom bun for added nutrients and flavor, without any extra sodium.

10.  Dairy Products
Dairy is a good source of calcium and vitamin D, but some products may not be a smart choice when it comes to managing high blood pressure. Some dairy foods like cottage cheese, buttermilk, and processed cheeses can be high in salt. "Cheeses, especially processed cheese like American cheese, can contain up to 400 mg of sodium per ounce," says Brennan. For a lower-sodium option, choose a fresh mozzarella at 175 mg of sodium per ounce or Swiss cheese at less than 60 mg per ounce.

11. Salty Seafood
Seafood is a great addition to a heart-healthy diet — prepared in a healthy way, seafood can help lower cholesterol, which in turn helps lower blood pressure. But you need to choose your seafood wisely, as options like shellfish and canned tuna fish are high in salt. Three ounces of canned tuna has 300 mg of sodium, and four large shrimp have 200 mg. Better seafood choices include fresh tuna, salmon, halibut, and haddock.Before putting any food in your grocery cart, follow this simple rule of thumb: "The bottom line on hidden food sources of sodium is to check your labels and choose products with less than 140 mg per serving," says Brennan.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Sinus Infection

Kill Sinus Infection Within Minutes, With What You Have In Your Kitchen!

November 3, 2016
A sinus infection is an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses that in many cases lead to persistent headaches, fevers and even facial pains. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that are effective at cleaning the sinuses and killing the bacteria and viruses responsible for these health problems.

An acute sinusitis is a sinus infection that can last up to four weeks. While a chronic sinusitis can last 12 weeks or longer if left untreated.
Infections of the sinuses—the hollow air spaces within the bones in the cheek bones, forehead and between the eyes—are usually caused by either viruses or bacteria. They cause thick mucus blockage and painful or extreme discomfort in these cavities.
Prescribed antibiotics are not the best remedy for sinusitis as they can cause a lot of dangerous side effects. Your body should be given the right healing food to enable it to cure itself. In any case, antibiotics are not helpful if your sinusitis is caused by a virus.

How It Works

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many practical uses. It is probably one of the top natural remedies for many ailments.
It contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and malic acids that are beneficial for killing bacteria. It works by binding to pathogens and help the body get rid of them more effectively. It is also effective for fighting viral, fungal and Candida infections.
Look for raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized, organic apple cider vinegar to get the medicinal benefits. How to tell the genuine and “real” apple cider vinegar? The liquid is usually “murky”, not clear, and you can see sediment pieces at the bottom of the bottle—that is the “mother”. If unsure, always buy only Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.
When taken orally, ACV breaks up mucus and clear airways, while its antibacterial properties kill the infection-causing bacteria.
When mucus and nasal congestion is broken down, ACV delivers its rich nutrients to the body to support and strengthen the immune system, preventing the infection from getting worse.
Although acidic, ACV has all the necessary electrolytes to balance the body’s pH levels and effectively reduces body acidity. Harmful microbes (bacteria or viruses) love an acidic environment and by alkalizing the body it will stop the disease-causing microbes from multiplying. This is why consuming 1-2 tablespoons of ACV every day keeps the viruses away!

Cayenne Pepper

The active component of cayenne pepper is a compound in its fruit called capsaicin that gives the pepper its hot fiery taste. Capsaicin has long been used as a painkiller and for reducing nasal congestion.
There are a few ways you can take pepper to help clear a sinus infection. You can …
  • Use a capsaicin nasal spray
  • Add ½ teaspoon in a cup of hot water and drink for several days till you recover
  • Sniffing a small amount on a spoon to clear airways
Cayenne pepper works because when ingested, it helps to dilate vessels and help to break down mucus for draining. At the same time, this substance lessens your facial pain, reduces inflammation, stimulates circulation and acts as an antibacterial agent. All of these—and many more benefits of cayenne pepper—are helpful in preventing and relieving the symptoms of sinusitis.

Apple Cider Vinegar Brew For Sinuses



  • Mix all these ingredients in a glass.
  • Stir well and sip the mixture warm until the condition subsides.
  • You may also use this mixture (without honey) to gargle to speed up your recovery.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Blood Types

All people belong to some of the blood types, A, B, AB, or O which is determined from birth. Experts claim that every blood type has its own properties, shared by its members.  This is a review of the most important characteristics of blood types.
Blood type  and offspring
about 85% of people are Rh positive. Yet, if the woman is Rh negative and the man who she conceives with is Rh positive, there is a n increased risk that their child will develop some health issue.
Depending on the health issue or condition, every single blood type can be less or more susceptible to it so you should find out your own risks and try to reduce them.
Blood type and nutrition
You should know your blood type in order to know the foods which are beneficial for your health, and which ones to avoid. Therefore, blood type A individuals should focus on eating more vegetables.
For the people with blood type O is recommended consume more proteins in the form of fish and meat, and the ones with AB blood type should focus on lean meat and seafood. Finally, those ones who belong to the type B should consume more red meat.
Blood antigens
Blood antigens can be present in the blood, digestive tract, lungs, and nostrils, in the mouth and the colon.
Blood type and stress
Individuals with blood type O need more time to relax after a stressful situation than others.
Blood type and weight problems
The blood type can also determine if one will have a belly fat or not, as blood type, 0 people are more susceptible to it, and with blood type A do not suffer from such issues in general.
Blood type and pregnancy
The women who belong to the blood type AB conceive much easier than others, as they have a reduced production of follicle- stimulating hormone.
Blood type and emergencies
In case you ever need a blood transfusion, you should have in mind that people with O RH negative are universal donors and people with blood type AB are universal recipients so you need to know this to save the valuable time in emergency cases.
Source: thehealthguide.org

12 Scientific Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

 By Lauren Bedosky Medically Reviewed by Kelly Kennedy, RD Last Updated: 9/16/2019 There’s no shortage of health claims ab...