'/> Knowledge Is Power: December 2010

Wednesday, December 29, 2010



 Looking in the mirror.
 Who do I see?
 Me in the pass, Me in the present, Me in the future.
 My Pass was modeled.
 The model directs my present.
 The mirror reflects the model of the future

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Poem

My Little Black Dress

Every woman should own a Little Black Dress

Black conceals;

Black is the color of soil, which gives life

Black is not a color; it is the absence of all color.

Black absorbs all aspects of light; it’s power.

Black is seen as restful emptiness into which anything may emerge and disappear once again.

It is also mysterious, providing a sense of potential and possibility.

Go ahead Lady wear your little black dress for Christmas!!!

Be mysterious, elegant and Powerful

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Detox over eating Holiday Meals

Found this good nfo on the internet.
your holiday celebrations are leaving you feeling fat, achy, and lethargic, you’re not alone. Millions of your fellow revelers are in the same swollen boat.
Good news! This 3-day detox will blast away bloat, boost energy, burn fat, and ensure you regain your mojo in just 72 short hours. The meals are vegetarian (no meat or poultry—you had your fill on Turkey Day), and they’re loaded with the ideal mix of antioxidants, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Here’s how it works:
  • Follow the same daily menu for three days in a row.
  • Eat only what is listed on the menu–no added sugar, honey, sugar substitute, salt, salad dressing, condiments, etc.
  • Drink only what is listed on the menu—no soda, fruit juice, alcohol, or diet beverages.
  • Enjoy black coffee or tea at breakfast (regular or decaffeinated).
  • Drink two 8-ounce glasses of water within 30 minutes of eating your lunch and dinner meals.  Drink as much additional water as you’d like throughout the day.
  • Drink one cup of regular or decaffeinated green tea after your lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner.
  • The plan is vegetarian, but if you’d like to make it vegan see simple substitutes at breakfast and dinner.
Ready, set, go.
Daily Menu
Joy’s Protein Power Smoothie
In a blender, combine ¾ cup skim milk (for vegan plan, substitute soy or almond milk), ½ banana, ½ cup frozen raspberries, ½ cup frozen blueberries, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (for vegan plan, substitute soy, rice, or pea protein powder), ¼ teaspoon cinnamon, and 5 ice cubes. Blend until smooth and frothy.
Optional black coffee or tea
Drink two 8-ounce glasses water (with optional lemon) within 30 minutes of eating. Drink as much additional water as you’d like during the meal.
Large spinach salad
  • Unlimited spinach leaves
  • Unlimited antioxidant-rich produce (Best choices include bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, red onions, broccoli, and sliced beets. You may also add cucumbers, mushrooms, celery, and cauliflower.)
  • ½ cup red kidney, pinto, or black beans
  • 1 tablespoon toasted, chopped pecans
  • Dress with 1 teaspoon olive oil and unlimited balsamic or red wine vinegar
1 pink or red grapefruit
1 cup green tea
½ cup unsalted pistachio nuts (in shell)
1 cup green tea 
Drink two 8-ounce glasses of water (with optional lemon) within 30 minutes of eating. Drink as much additional water as you’d like during your meal.
Unlimited baked, grilled, broiled, or poached fish
Good choices include cod, halibut, haddock, and wild salmon, seasoned with fresh lemon and black pepper (for vegan plan, substitute Sautéed Tofu—see recipe below)
Unlimited steamed broccoli with optional fresh lemon and black pepper
1 cup green tea or naturally caffeine-free herbal tea 
Recipe: Sautéed Tofu
  • Oil spray (canola or olive oil)
  • 1 block extra firm tofu, drained and pressed for at least 30 minutes
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • Fresh lemon juice or balsamic vinegar
Liberally coat a large nonstick skillet with oil spray, and preheat the skillet over medium-high heat.
Cut the tofu into 1-inch cubes. Add the tofu cubes to the skillet in a single layer and cook, without stirring, for 2 minutes.  Toss the cubes and cook for 6 minutes, stirring every few minutes to brown the tofu evenly on all sides. Add additional oil spray as necessary to prevent the tofu from sticking to the skillet.
Add the garlic and sauté for 30 more seconds (watch the pan closely to make sure the garlic doesn’t burn).
Transfer the tofu to a plate and dress with unlimited fresh-squeezed lemon juice or balsamic vinegar.
For more information on losing weight and healthy living, visit joybauer.com and follow Joy on Facebook and twitter.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas as a gift to us all

“Jesus Birth” a gift to us all. A time of celebration, a time all of us were given the opportunity to live again even before we were born. Christmas is the day you really were given freedom of choice; A choice of life or death.

The story seem so far fetch now. A man and his pregnant wife traveling on a donkey to pay their taxes. With crime like it is now, it’s not imaginable.  Can you put yourself in this mind set of Joseph and Mary on that day, thinking of today’s time?  Nowhere to live, an expecting wife, no one in considerate of your situation, this act would be the beginning of life for mankind. We are still reaping the benefits from Joseph obedience and Virgin Mary, who had not been touched by man, impregnated by the Holy Ghost. What unselfish action to take for people, God Love us and have shown it in many ways.  “Remember the reason for the season.”   

Friday, December 3, 2010


Love Is

Jesus hanging on the cross
It holds no regrets
It’s silent
It’s unquestionable
It’s has no secrets
It’s not demanding
It’s fresh and pure
Love is

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