'/> Knowledge Is Power: May 2019

Friday, May 24, 2019

Drinking a 1 liter of water

6 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking 1 Liter Of Water On An Empty Stomach

When you wake up in the morning, you will have likely gone a full seven to eight hours without a drink of water — maybe even longer if you’re not one to take a few swigs before bed. Realistically, that means we go approximately one-third of the day without drinking any fluids. What’s even worse is that most people do not drink enough water even when they are awake. They’re at work, distracted, chugging back coffee.
When you think of “therapy,” drinking water may not come to mind. However, for those who do not drink enough water on a daily basis, you will be amazed at how much better you can feel. Being an essential, basic element, you should be drinking an average of eight to ten cups every day.
In today’s modern society, it is believed that many ailments begin with an unhealthy, toxin-ridden gut. That is why Japanese traditional medicine recommends water therapy. By drinking water on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, you can cleanse your stomach and support digestion.
This is said to help aid weight loss, constipation, digestive issues, brain function, kidney health, skin health and so much more. A similar tradition is also practiced in India, which is known as Usha Paana Chikitsa. This loosely translates to “early morning water treatment.”
Benefits of drinking one liter of water on an empty stomach
When you think about it, our bodies are made up of approximately 70 percent water. The same is true for the earth and nearly every other living organism. It’s clear that water is our natural lifeline, which is why you should ensure that you’re getting enough!
At first, when switching from drinking little water to drinking one liter a day, you will likely experience a few unexpected effects. For example, don’t freak out if you gain a few pounds — your body is likely retaining water. It will soon adjust.
Ready to improve your health without much effort at all? Here’s how you’ll body and mind will benefit.
1. Purifies the colon
Hopefully, you’re not eating your lunch right now, because I’m about to talk about sludge. This is the build-up that accumulates in your colon over time. This is where nasty bacteria like to hide out. By cleansing the colon, you can loosen and expel this waste. In turn, you will not be able to absorb nutrients faster and more efficiently.
2. Aids with weight loss
Not only does water replace high-calorie beverages, but drinking more water will also support your metabolism. By increasing your caloric burn, you will experience what is known as diet-induced thermogenesis. Chugging back one liter of water will also help you stave off hunger cues so that you don’t snack on donuts all morning.
3. Supports blood and cell function
Many people are not aware that they need water in order to support both blood and cell function. Approximately three-quarters of the water in your body is liquid inside cells. The rest is what’s known as extracellular fluid, including but not limited to blood plasma, lymph and the fluid between your cells.
4. Purges your system of toxins
Unfortunately, even those who follow a clean, balanced lifestyle are still exposed to a wide range of toxins. However, when you drink ample amounts of water, your kidneys are able to properly filter and flush toxins. You will also soften your stool, promoting the removal of toxins through regular bowel movements.
5. Promotes greater balance within your lymphatic system
Since lymph is about 95 percent water, if you do not drink enough, lymphatic fluid cannot flow properly. This leads to what’s known as lymph congestion and in turn, the accumulation of toxic cellular waste. Instead of repairing and nourishing your cells, your lymph will start to damage and impair them.
6. Boosts cognition
When you drink more water, you will feel the difference in terms of your mental energy and performance. As stated in one review, no matter how mild, dehydration impacts homeostatic function. This can lead to poor cognitive performance. In fact, being dehydrated by just two percent can have significant negative effects. Not only will your concentration, memory and attention suffer, but also your mood!
Ready to get started?
If you are ready to improve immune function, increase energy, flush your bowels and so much more, it’s time to get into the routine of drinking one liter of water on an empty stomach. When you first awake, begin drinking immediately before brushing your teeth.
Then, do not eat anything for the following 45 minutes or so. If you find it easier to work up to one liter, gradually increase your intake over the course of a week or so.
Happy chuggin’!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Tiolet Paper

We all have to do it, and we all do it, but do we all do it the correct way? The universal human activity of cleaning up after defecation is a reality for everyone, but not everyone performs this common activity in the same way. There are indeed, some techniques that are more effective than others. Knowing how to keep your backend clean, fresh, and happy is something no one is too old to learn!
Why wiping correctly is important
Keeping clean and wiping correctly after a bowel movement are both critical for preventing the spread of bacteria and reducing odor. In addition, wiping incorrectly can cause unnecessary irritation that may lead to additional problems.
Toilet paper matters
There are some things in life you can downgrade to save money, but toilet paper is just not one of them. Here are a few types of toilet paper to avoid at all costs:
Bleached toilet paper: Many white toilet papers are treated with chlorine bleach. Chlorine can irritate your skin and can also be dangerous. This is because bleaching paper with chlorine may result in the formation of carcinogenic furans and dioxins.
Scented toilet paper: The overwhelming majority of synthetic fragrance chemicals are manufactured from petrochemicals. This means that they can include toxic substances such as phthalates and derivatives of benzene. Phthalates alone have been linked to hormone disruption, neurological problems, obesity, reproductive difficulties, and certain cancers — and they’re just one of the many chemical types that can reside within the “fragrance” category.

If you’re thinking, “Well, at least I’m not eating these chemicals,” you should know that if your toilet paper is scented, the fragrance chemicals can still get into your body even if you don’t ingest them. Many substances can seep through the pores in the skin and enter the bloodstream. Some of these toxins bioaccumulate, meaning that they are not flushed through our systems and are instead stored in our tissues. Eventually, these stored toxins may lead to health issues, such as the ones described above in regards to phthalates.

Risks of using scented toilet paper

Using scented toilet paper, especially on a regular basis, may lead to

  • Skin irritation around your genitals and rectum
  • Puffiness and swelling of private areas and surrounding skin
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Fungal infections (including yeast infections)
So, there you have it. An excellent reason to sniff your toilet paper before you use it! Obviously, if you’re at a friend’s house or a public place, you may not have another toilet paper option and may be forced to use the scented stuff. However, it’s one reason to keep a roll of your own unscented paper on hand. Or, at least a few sheets in a baggie in your pocket. You may feel silly, but at least you won’t be wiping potentially toxic chemicals onto your bum.
Recycled toilet paper: Recycled toilet paper seems like a really great and environmentally friendly idea on the surface. However, it’s highly unfortunate that many of these papers contain bisphenol Also known as BPA. This chemical compound has been linked to the disruption of hormonal function, obesity, diabetes, and even certain cancers. This compound has been banned from many products, including children’s toys. However, it may still be present in recycled toilet paper because of its presence in other papers (such as receipt paper) often used in the manufacturing process.

Your best bet is unscented, non-recycled toilet paper that has been bleached using oxygen or ozone (or hydrogen). It may have a “TCF” designation, meaning that it is Totally Chlorine Free. Consider using bagasse to make toilet paper. It is made from sugar cane and is entirely biodegradable.
The best wiping method
Start in the seated position and pull off three squares of toilet paper. Make a small wad with the paper. Reach behind your buttocks, leaning on the opposite cheek – remain seated. Wipe using your pointer, middle and ring fingers. Keep your middle finger raised slightly and your pointer and ring fingers resting behind. Use a moderate amount of pressure to wipe from front to back. Repeat using the same piece of toilet paper.
If needed, use two more squares of toilet paper and repeat the process using a bit more pressure until you are clean. Finish up your wiping routine using an environmentally friendly personal wipe or an organic cloth and some warm water.
Wiping too much or too little
A common condition, known as pruritus ani ( anal itching) occurs when there is excessive wiping that leads to dry skin or small abrasions. An effort to scratch the itch often leads to more wiping which causes more irritation. Not wiping enough can result in stool left around the anus which can also lead to irritation.
Rough toilet tissue or other products can also dry out the skin making matters worse, and this results in a vicious cycle of itching. To lubricate and soothe dry skin around the anus, use a little coconut oil. If the itching continues or gets worse and is accompanied by bleeding or pain it is important to see your physician as this could be due to a yeast infection, eczema, or something requiring a doctor’s attention.
Use a bidet, be kind to your bottom
Bidets are the preferred method of personal cleansing used around the world. You can avoid all of the irritation of toilet paper and save a few trees at the same time if you use a bidet. Handheld versions are great if you don’t have a permanent one installed in your home. Plus, as a bonus, handheld bidets can travel with you. Using a bidet will leave you feeling fresh and clean while reducing the irritation that wiping often causes.  


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