'/> Knowledge Is Power: July 2018

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

10 Questions We All Have About Body Fat

1 / 10   The Facts on Fat
It's not surprising that fat is surrounded by a negative aura; after all, it's the substance every dieter is trying to lose. But is all fat bad? What role does it play in the body? And when you actually lose it, where does it go? We consulted the experts and dissected the latest studies to answer your burning questions about the dreaded three-letter word.Additional reporting by Brianna Steinhilber.

Can Eating Certain Foods Help You Shed Fat?

2 / 10   Can Eating Certain Foods Help You Shed Fat?

While it seems counterintuitive, eating can actually help you burn fat and shed pounds — if you pick the right foods, that is. Foods that are high in protein, such as lean meats, eggs, nuts, and legumes, take more work to break down, so your body has to work harder (and burn more calories) to digest them. A study published in the 2005 British Journal of Nutrition found that increasing protein intake helped prevent weight regain after weight loss. And spicy foods like cayenne pepper might also have metabolism-boosting benefits. Not only does capsaicin, the compound that makes peppers hot, help to suppress appetite, but Purdue University researchers found that it can actually increase calorie burn and reduce cravings in dieters.
And believe it or not, eating fat can help you lose it. The Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, has been shown to increase satiety, thereby promoting weight loss. Most importantly, the Mediterranean diet is more effective at lowering your risk of heart attack than are low-fat diets.
Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

3 / 10   Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

This weight-loss cliché comes up over and over again, and the short answer is: yes. “Muscle does weigh more than fat, but when answering the question, it is important to remember that a pound is a pound, whether it's muscle or fat,” says John M. Kennedy, MD, director of preventative cardiology and wellness at Marina Del Rey Hospital in California and author of The Heart Health Bible. “The difference here is that muscle is much denser and more compact than fat. If you were to compare one cubic inch of muscle with one cubic inch of fat, the muscle would indeed be heavier.” Strength training and other weight-bearing exercises can help build muscle and keep you lean.

Does Muscle Actually Burn More Calories Than Fat?

4 / 10   Does Muscle Actually Burn More Calories Than Fat?

This question sounds like a weight-loss myth, but it is, in fact, true. Muscle is designed for movement, so it burns energy at a higher rate than fat, which is used to store or conserve energy. That said, Kennedy notes that a pound of muscle burns about 7 to 10 calories a day when at rest, compared with 2 or 3 calories for fat. So don’t count on your new-found biceps to make or break your diet.

What is the Best Exercise For Burning Fat?

5 / 10   What is the Best Exercise For Burning Fat?

“There really is no ‘best exercise’ for burning fat,” says Brian Quebbemann, MD, director of The NEW Program, an integrated bariatric program in Orange County, California. “However, the type of exercise that will burn the most calories is a workout that makes a muscle work so hard that it has to struggle to find enough calories in the bloodstream to continue performing.” Jogging, circuit training, and running up stairs are all good examples of fat-blasting exercises. To burn fat, you should aim to exercise at at least 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. Try working out with a heart-rate monitor to watch your progress, and keep in mind that exercising too hard can overwork your muscles, making them less efficient in burning calories.
When You Lose Weight, Where Does It Go?

6 / 10   When You Lose Weight, Where Does It Go?

You may have heard recent rumblings that we breathe out fat. And in a way, this is actually true. “When a person loses weight, as long as he or she isn't starving, the body literally absorbs the fat,” Dr. Quebbemann explains. “Then the body converts the fat to carbohydrates that can be used as energy and metabolizes it into carbon dioxide, water, and heat.” Carbon dioxide is a gas that the lungs exhale.
Is It More Dangerous to Have Belly Fat?

7 / 10   Is It More Dangerous to Have Belly Fat?

Anyone who has struggled with weight likely has a problem zone where extra pounds tend to pack on. While this spot varies by individual, women tend to accumulate fat on the hips and the waist, whereas men more commonly store fat in their abdominal region.Belly fat is thought to be particularly dangerous. Research has shown that this extra fat around internal organs is a bigger health hazard than weight gain in other areas. Not only does a larger waist circumference account for the increased incidence of type 2 diabetes among Americans, but normal-weight people who carry excess fat in the abdomen are at a three times greater risk of dying from heart disease, and two times greater risk of dying from any cause, than those of normal weight with a normal waist-to-hip ratio.

Is All Fat Bad?

8 / 10   Is All Fat Bad?

The answer is no. Your body contains two types of fat cells — white (in the right of the above image) and brown (in the left of the above image) — with vastly different purposes. “The job of a white fat cell is to store fat calories for future use,” says Aaron M. Cypess, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “White fat grows when we eat more calories. Ultimately, we get fat in two ways: our fat cells get bigger, and we also make more of them. The job of a brown fat cell is to generate heat. To do that, the cells store fat temporarily so that it can be used as a fuel source.” These brown fat cells — or "good" fat — have been linked to lower BMI and have a potential to increase metabolism. A study published in the 2009 New England Journal of Medicine found that the activity of brown fat was reduced in overweight men, making the role of brown fat in the body in relation to obesity an area of further exploration. A study published in the August 2015 issue of the journal Cell Metabolism found that white fat can be turned into brown fat. Further research is needed to identify exactly how this happens, which can potentially be used to develop drugs that can mimic the effect.
Does Fat Have More Calories Than Other Nutrients?

9 / 10   Does Fat Have More Calories Than Other Nutrients?

“When most people think of a calorie, they equate it to something that causes you to gain weight,” says Kennedy. But really, a calorie is just a unit of food energy. “Humans use calories in the same way that cars use gasoline — to make them go,” Kennedy says. With that in mind, fat is the most calorie-dense of all nutrients, with 9 calories per gram versus 4 calories per gram for carbs and protein.
Does Fat Have a Taste?

10 / 10   Does Fat Have a Taste?

The latest discovery about the nutrient is that it may, in fact, have its own unique taste. For years it was believed that fat only added texture to foods, acting as a carrier of taste, but new research out of Purdue University reveals that fat may deserve a spot on the list next to bitter, sweet, salty, sour, and umami. The distinct taste, named “oleogustus,” was separately identified by participants who also recognized the other five tastes. The verdict? Not so tasty. Scientists hypothesize that the body may be programmed to like fats, but not fatty acids (the building blocks of fat). One possible explanation is that fatty acids accumulate in rotting foods as fat breaks down, serving as a warning to not eat something that might make you sick.

 Kristen  Stewart

Monday, July 2, 2018

Herbs and Spices

Herbs that Banish Gas, Bloating, Heartburn and More

Herbs and spices pair wonderfully to add flavor and aroma to dishes. They also provide numerous health benefits. Traditional Chinese and Indian therapies use herbs to aid physical and emotional ailments. Here are 12 herbs that will please your palate and ease your stomach.

Rosemary is a pine-like shrub. Its leaves can be used in savory dishes to give an earthy flavor and aroma. Rosemary is great for alleviating pain. This herb is considered a botanical nervine, which means it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It can be used medicinally to help reduce the symptoms of digestive imbalance, such as an upset stomach, spasms and dyspepsia. Rosemary can be used to complement the flavors in stews, meat, potatoes and root vegetables.
Valerian root
Popular as a sleep aid, valerian root can actually reduce symptoms of many digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome and viral gastroenteritis. Valerian can help soothe an upset stomach and relieve gas, bloating, constipation, cramps and nausea. Valerian root can be purchased in capsule, powder or leaf form in supplements and herbal teas.
Turmeric has received a lot of attention recently due to its ability to promote brain health. It has been used for centuries in Indian cuisine and Ayurvedic medicine, as well as in Chinese medicine. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and is commonly used for digestive disorders and liver health. According to the World Health Organization, it is effective when used in treating dyspepsia, acid reflux and flatulence. It also works to calm the GI tract and is effective against ulcerative colitis. Turmeric is a feast for the eyes and the taste buds. It has a bright yellow color and provides a warm, earthy taste to rice dishes, stews, soups and sauces.
Cumin is commonly found in Latin American cuisine due to its savory, smoky flavor. It improves immune function and can help with a host of gut and intestinal problems. Cumin can be used to treat bowel spasms, gas, diarrhea, colic and bloating. Cumin is often coupled with meat, beans and peppers.
Fennel seeds and fennel leaves are used in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean dishes, as well as in Ayurvedic medicine. Fennel is effective against gas, bloating, constipation, heartburn and colic. Both the seeds and the leaves alleviate symptoms, and prevent problems in the first place. Fennel also helps release digestive enzymes for those who have a diminished appetite. Fennel has a strong liquorice scent and flavor that adds complexity to savory dishes.
Dill is another aromatic and flavorful herb that resembles caraway in flavor with a sweet and bitter citrus-like scent. Its name comes from the Old Norse word dilla, which means “to soothe” or “to calm.” Dill is great for promoting gut health and immunity as it is high in vitamin C and is anti-inflammatory. It can help ease symptoms of colic, soothe an upset stomach, and is good for digestion. Dill can be used in fish dishes, creamy sauces, potatoes and spreads.
Dandelions are one of the most neglected nutritious herbs as they are often considered to be pesky weeds. They are packed full of vitamins and minerals and can help improve digestion. They can stimulate appetite, relieve bloating, soothe an upset stomach, increase the production of bile, promote good liver health and decrease water weight. Dandelion greens and flowers can be added to teas, stews, salads, or eaten as is.
Cardamom is popular in Indian savory dishes but can sometimes be found in herbal teas as well. Cardamom’s main medicinal use is as a digestive aid. It is anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. It can reduce acid reflux, nausea, bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn and loss of appetite.
Fresh herbs on wooden background
Both peppermint and spearmint are effective at improving digestive health. Mint leaves can help improve digestion, stimulate bile production, reduce gas, settle an upset stomach and treat colic. Mint leaves can be used in sweet and savory dishes, but they are most often found accompanying sweet or cooling treats. Mint pairs well with fruit, cocoa, lime juice, cucumber and yogurt. You can also experience the benefits of mint by adding some leaves to tea or by chewing on a leaf directly after a meal.
Marshmallow root
Another herb that goes well with sweet dishes is marshmallow root. Unlike conventional marshmallow treats, marshmallow root is healthy for you. It is often found in teas and natural desserts. Marshmallow root can be used to maintain moisture in the intestinal tract and improve bile production. It is a natural replacement for a stool softener, without the long list of side effects and warnings. It is also effective against diarrhea and constipation, stomach inflammation, stomach ulcers and urinary tract infections.
Caraway is another herb that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. It is frequently used in Mediterranean and European cuisine. Our daily requirement for fiber can be gained from just 100 grams of caraway seeds! This herb is therefore effective for both preventing constipation and reducing transit time in the GI tract. It has been shown to protect the colon against cancer, soothe digestive disorders, increase appetite, and relieve infantile colic.
Ginger root is powerful against inflammation and is often used by people suffering from arthritic pain and rheumatism for that very reason. It can also combat stomach inflammation, and improve the immune system by protecting the gut. Ginger can calm the GI tract, reduce nausea, increase gastric emptying, aid digestion, protect against ulcers, stop vomiting, and actually strengthen the stomach and intestines. Ginger root can be bought whole, powdered, in tea or in a supplement.
Good digestion is far more than just making sure you poop regularly. Anytime you feel gassy, have stomach pain, heartburn or even a weak immune system, you are suffering from digestive problems. These twelve herbs can help combat these problems and ensure a strong, healthy gut and GI tract. Which one of these herbs have you found to be helpful in combating digestive issues? Leave us a comment below and let us know what has worked for you.

Nicole Manuel, CPC is a certified life coach with a degree in economics and over five years of professional writing experience. Her goal is to help others discover ways to incorporate sustainable solutions that can improve their health and well-being on a budget.


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